Be a Light

by reeger on January 21, 2014

I live in a place where this time of year the air turns to fog and the fog turns to frost and when it gets cold enough at night the frost freezes, covering everything it touches with beautiful white crystals. Sometimes the freezing frost lasts all day but mostly the frost melts by mid afternoon.Frost cone

Some people don’t like the fog but I am not one of them. I don’t mind the fog in general but I can honestly say I really like the fog when it freezes. I like the contrast of winter colors with the sheen of crystalized pure white. I like the quiet of the ground holding still. I like the way light moves over the frozen earth.

frost trees

I also like when the frost starts to melt. Sometimes it happens very quickly, the transition from frozen to melted. You have to pay attention or you might miss it.

forst to melt

Isn’t Life like that? We all must pay attention or we might miss out: Miss out on the beautiful light surrounding us; miss out on our child’s smile; miss out on noticing when deeply hidden emotions surface, offering themselves up to us for exploration and healing.

We all have “stuff;” Histories that can be painful to remember, wrongs that were done to us, promises broken…These are bumps along the journey called Your Life.

If you are reading these words and they ring true for you then hear me now: Do not let any of your prior pain freeze your heart to the beauty and the opportunity of the present and the future. Pay attention to your journey and allow healing to occur. As the frost of winter transforms into the warmth and new growth of spring, so can we all transform. Be a light within yourself and for those around 5

In Peace and with Connection,

Reeger Cortell, FNP-C




{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Tina January 22, 2014 at 7:47 pm

This is beautiful. While I was reading this I didn’t know you wrote it and I thought this writer is a fantastic poet. It should be published.
Give me a call. M


reeger January 23, 2014 at 5:20 am

Well Hi Mom! I am so glad you liked my post. I suppose it is published, to my own website at least. : )
I love you.
Your daughter, Reeger
(I will call. I promise XO )


Suzie Farthing January 23, 2014 at 3:23 am

Beautifully said, Reeger. Pain is transformational and always leads to something positive in the end.


reeger January 23, 2014 at 5:15 am

Thank you Suzie. I appreciate you taking the time to let me know you liked my words.
Kindly, Reeger


Sheila Long January 23, 2014 at 11:43 am

Reeger, this is really beautiful. You appear to have inherited the family writing gene. Your description of frozen fog sounds just like the winters in southwest France, where I lived for 25 years. I loved walking around outside and looking at the ice crystals on the grass, cobwebs, etc. And I love the philosophical conclusions you draw from watching the frozen fog melt. I hope you’ll keep writing!


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